The North Valley BusinessSource Center Helps Training Business Stay Strong

Staying Mentally and Physically Fit During Pandemic

While the COVID-19 crisis has negatively impacted the fitness industry, entrepreneur and personal trainer Karina Ortiz decided to launch her own training business Strong With Karina as indoor gyms were ordered to close because of the lockdown. Since then, the demand for virtual at-home workouts and 1-on-1 training sessions have increased as fitness enthusiasts feel the need to prioritize not only their mental health, but their physical health during the pandemic. 

With almost two years of experience as a certified personal trainer in gyms like 24 Hour Fitness and Camp Transformation Center Boot Camp, she felt motivated to start Strong With Karina, a training service that educates clients about the latest fitness and nutritional trends and provides workout sessions that are effective.

“Fitness is not a temporary thing to get you closer to your goals, it needs to be a lifestyle and I want to help others see there’s more to fitness than a quick fix.” 

North Valley BusinessSource Center Helps Start and Grow Business

With the help of the North Valley BusinessSource Center, she has been able to adapt her services to the era of the “New Normal.” Karina has worked closely with Business Coach Alma Torres to help her establish her business. Alma assisted her with obtaining a business license, registering a DBA, an EIN, and provided references for liability insurance. Alma also taught her how to manage her own bookkeeping, and set her up with our marketing team so she could learn how to build her own website and promote her services on social media. She has gained many clients as her business keeps growing.

“I would be completely lost if it wasn’t for the North Valley BusinessSource. I would have probably hesitated in opening up my business if it wasn’t for them because I would have been too scared to open without proper guidance.”

Karina launched her business this past summer during the pandemic, and adapting was not a challenge as she developed her business plan with the “New normal” in mind. She’s applied all COVID-19 guidelines to keep her business open. When in sessions, she enforces social distancing between her clients, requires them to wear masks and limits the amount of people in her property. She consistently sanitizes her equipment to keep everyone safe.

To learn more about Strong With Karina’s services, or to schedule a training session, visit her Instagram page @strongwithkarina.


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