ICON CDC’s North & South Valley BusinessSource Centers Continue To Serve Small Businesses Amid Covid-19

As the country continues to battle the COVID-19 outbreak, our team at ICON CDC and the North and South Valley BusinessSource Centers have committed to support small businesses that have been impacted financially by the pandemic.  

We are currently offering free assistance with the Los Angeles City Small Business Emergency Microloan guiding our clients, step by step on the application process. Our goal is to ensure a smooth experience answering questions and concerns so that our clients can focus on the well-being and safety of their loved ones.

As of today, we have assisted 51 Small Businesses submit the City of LA Emergency Loan. We have spoken to over 300 businesses in the last month and provided them with resources such as the City Loan, EIDL, PPP, and other disaster funding sources including PUA and the Angelino Card. We have assisted over 50 businesses by applying for the EIDL.

Our staff is actively researching new funding opportunities with the City of Los Angeles, the SBA, and other financial institutions that are helping small businesses. Each week we attend several webinars and are in constant communication with city officials to verify that we are providing reliable information through our social media accounts and newsletter to business owners and community members.  

We are dedicated to continuing to serve our clients via phone, email, and video conferencing.

Please see our contact info below:

Call us

North Valley (818) 302 6114

South Valley (818) 797 9396


Email us  



Visit our website and social media accounts


Website https://iconcdc.org/


Facebook https://www.facebook.com/iconcdc

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/iconcdc/


The North Valley BusinessSource Center Helps Angelino Community Fitness Obtain Funds From City of LA Small Business Emergency Microloan Program


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