The North Valley BusinessSource Center Helps Angelino Community Fitness Obtain Funds From City of LA Small Business Emergency Microloan Program

Trust, discipline and passion for fitness are the bonds that maintain Angelino Community Fitness (formerly known as Angelino Crossfit) owners Karlos Ramirez and John Thyne strong during the Coronavirus outbreak. And even though gyms are one of the businesses that have suffered the most damage, the duo has received what they call “God-sent” help and support to make sure that they are ready to make a comeback for the post-COVID-19 era.

Their comeback will not only consist of new safety guidelines but also a new identity. In response to CrossFit CEO Greg Glassman’s insensitive comments about Geroge Floyd, John and Karlos decided to change their name to Angelino Community Fitness immediately.

Through an Instagram post, the company announced the change to its members and stated “Greg Glassman does not represent our values, principles and ideals. Our mission statement is that “We will help as many people as possible by giving the gift of fitness while embracing diversity.”

With help from Business Coach Maria Luviano from the North Valley BusinessSource Center, John and Karlos were able to obtain funds from the Los Angeles City Small Business Emergency Microloan Program, which allowed them to pay a large portion of their commercial rent and to retain 3 full-time employees and 1 part-time employee. These funds will not only help them stay up to date with payments but also avoid the delay of their plans to open two more locations in the future. John learned about the North Valley BusinessSource Center through a flier distributed to the Neighborhood Council Valley Village, where he currently serves as a board member.

There’s no doubt that Angelino Community Fitness will continue to prosper. With John’s background in the corporate world and Karlos’ expertise in the health and fitness industry, both have created success ever since they decided to partner up and buy formerly-known Angelino CrossFit in August of 2018, to “give the gift of fitness” to as many people as possible.

Not only have they built a business, but they have also formed a family. With love and appreciation for their members’ health, John and Karlos have lent 90% of their weights and equipment so their members have an opportunity to work out at home.

Since closing their doors per Mayor Garcetti’s orders on March 15, 2020, John and Karlos have been providing their members with daily “Home Workouts” through their app “Wodify,” on Instagram, Facebook, and via Zoom sessions.

Many of the members have continued to pay their membership fees and others have even stepped up to pay for the memberships of others. John and Karlos’ biggest reward is the close relationship they have established with each and every single one of their 150 members.

John and Karlos met in 2014 when Karlos was gym manager and head coach of formerly-known Angelino CrossFit under different owners. Karlos then became John’s personal trainer and helped improve his health so greatly, that John achieved Athlete Level at 74 years old! John says Karlos is not only his personal trainer and business partner but also his best friend.


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